Some Common Dental Implant Questions Answered That You Have To Know

July 1, 2022by Ashish ESS0

Best Possible Answer of Dental Implants Frequently Asked Questions

Dental implants have been in the industry for a long time. And the treatment has helped many people to get rid of missing teeth and other dental problems. But, people have many dental implants frequently asked questions regarding the same. And when they don’t get answers, they dismiss dental implants as an option and opt for another tooth replacement procedure.

Dentures and Bridges get damaged or worn out over time. For example, dentures last for five to ten years and bridges last for five to fifteen years. After this, they need to be replaced for the proper functioning of the oral structure. Not only this, but they also require special care and maintenance for their entire life. This is why dental implants are one of the best options for missing teeth. They last for long and don’t require special care.

It’s the dentists who have to answer all the questions and convince people for the treatment. And the surprising part is that the questions are varied, not just about the procedure.

In this blog, we will answer such questions to ask about dental implants.

Are dental implants painful?

A very important and very common question, usually asked by people who are undergoing dental treatment for the first time, have suffered problems in the last dental treatment or fear pain. And according to us, people should know about this so that they don’t panic during the treatment.

A dental implant is a bit painful but dentists try to minimize it as much as possible and keep the patients comfortable during the oral surgery. They perform the procedure under local or general anesthesia.

Many people feel little or no discomfort during the procedure. It’s good to discuss your fear and anxiety with your dentist before the treatment.

Are multiple dental implants more expensive than a single dental implant?

This is just a misconception that multiple dental implants are more expensive than a single implant. And it’s because you haven’t studied the dental implant procedure.

Whether it’s a single or multiple dental implants, they will be held in place with an implant post only. For multiple teeth replacement, the dentists don’t have to place an implant post for each tooth. Even if you want to replace all of your tee

This means multiple teeth replacement is not more expensive than a single tooth replacement.

Why is there cost variation in dental implants?

Many people visit the dental clinic for dental implants thinking they have to pay the same amount that their friends or other members of the family paid for the procedure. Sometimes, they decide their budget for the procedure based on the same.

There is a lot of cost variation in dental implants. And it’s because the actual cost of dental implants greatly depends on the patient’s health and needs.

If you have lost bone mass in your jaw, you might need a bone graft. This will increase the overall cost of the surgery. On the other hand, if your jaw bones are healthy, there will be no addition to the cost. You lose bone mass when missing teeth are left untreated for a long time.

Here, we have only answered 3 common dental implant questions. If you have any other questions, ask your dentist before the procedure.

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